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A motion was made (PD) and seconded (LCF) to waive reading and accept the minutes of the previous meeting of Wednesday, March 19th and April 16th, 2014, 6:00 p.m. VOTE: Unanimously approved. Chairperson Comments Procedures and protocols will be reviewed in June. Rosalia indicated the new board member guide was sent to everyone with one of the mailings. Report of THE DIRECTOR: Rosalia Velazquez (RV), Director of Council on Aging We do not have meetings in July and August. Mission/Vision/ Goals Board members unanimously agreed that there is a difference between the current Senior Center and the proposed Jean Levesque Community Life Center. Some of the differences are: Esthetics. The difference in atmosphere makes a difference in attitude and in perception. This is an old place for old people and that is going to be a new place for everybody. The perception will be it is for the community, not just for seniors, elderly. Its all on one floor accessible. Its a place where people want to visit. Everything will change. The perception of it is going to be younger, active, new programs, new things, excitement, a breath of fresh air. RV: How do we talk about that in the public domain? LCF: How does this board fit into the New Community Life Center? RV: We are still the Council on Aging. We will still be the state mandated Council on Aging. The COA is this body. The senior center is a building. This is still a critical body as a group providing services to the seniors. As we go forward over the next number of months we will clarify that message. PD: The seniors are part of the community of life. The department of parks and recreation and we can be part of both whether you are a senior or not. You can be part of either complex and our role is to be sure we are still here for seniors who need support. LCF: We need to be very clear. So maybe the response is that we are part of the community center. We are part of making sure the needs of the senior community are met. DC: On a smaller scale we are like that now. This building is shared already by the veterans, park and recreation, and the seniors. So we really do represent the community, the seniors. There will not be that much of a difference just on a larger scale. LCF: The perception is that you are at the senior center. So people are not making a distinction what else goes on here. The community life center will serve seniors and will also serve other folks. RV: You are on the right target. The questions you are asking are the questions we are asking internally right now. What does this shift start to mean for us? How do we start to talk about it? RV: There was a meeting with the Mayor. We are going to be looking for a tag line that will connect the community with this new senior center. I asked the Mayor what do you want the new community life center to be? Her response was Where generations come and meet. RV reported on the focus group with eight people. Not all are active participants with the senior center. The focus group was to we deal with this new generation of aging individuals who we need to bring into the center. Responses: Define yourself in our image/voice, etc. That is what has been heard consistently both around the country and with the local senior centers. There is a need to make a shift in terms of old building for old people. RV: The most popular program we have at the senior center is Enhanced Fitness, in the afternoon with lively music. It attracts more men into the center then any other programs. It gets people moving, active, and engaged. Its fun. 30 to 40 participate. We are talking with the YMCA about, additional programs. RV: People want more active programs like kayaking. We are speaking with Parks and Recreation about how to make that happen. EH: Beverly has some classes in the afternoon zumba, strength and balance is very popular. We added another class and there is a variety of age groups. We are trying to get the younger people in even though they are still working they may come Friday morning or Thursday evening. RV: Salem is open Thursdays until 7:00pm and is closed Fridays at noon. There is always someone in Salem on Friday afternoons because of transportation program or other activities. There are discussions with the YMCA and the Boys and Girls Club re: inter-generational programs. The COA will be reaching out to the faith base communities, not to provide faith based programs but to reach out to other older constituents. EH: Beverly has done that and found out the faith communities were not aware of the COA at all and now they have a good contact. If they have someone that needs help they can call. RV: We are hoping we can make that kind of connection in Salem. We want to draw people in. Another discussion is taking place with the Naturally Organized Retirement Communities who provide nation-wide designation for an Aging Friendly Community. Brookline is the only one in the state of Massachusetts. Other board recommendations/ideas: Children programs. All ages and all areas of the city using it. The Girl Scouts might want to do something. There may even have programs with all the generations working together on a project. Place for community organizations to meet Partnership Rosalia is pursuing with YMCA Rosalia asked members to react to the concept of charging a membership fee, board questions/responses included What does a membership mean? Do you have a membership and everything is offered for free? Do you still have to pay for classes? What does the membership entitle you to? For example you can have membership at the YMCA but still have to pay for some things its not all free. Rosalia indicated we need to increase revenue. Funding sources pay for programs, not marketing. Plan is to have a week of events for the opening of the new center. A week long set of activities that introduce us to the new community life center with one major and more formal event at the end of the week. And, ask different organizations in the community to help sponsor some of the events during the week. Options for income: business sponsor tiers, patron tiers sponsors, memberships and what they mean, room rentals, renting space. Review current programs fees being charged so it is not a shock to everybody when we move into the new center. Building Cleanup RV: We are cleaning the floors and windows. The curtains have been taken down. We moved the library from upstairs to downstairs. We are getting some sofas and lamps. There will be people here this week and next week cleaning. We have canceled a lot classes this week. Some of the rooms will be painted. We are making things cleaner and nicer for everyone. We got rid of a lot of stuff that was cluttering the building. There is a new board on the wall telling people where the events are. Data Update RV: Signing in is a big problem for us. The statics maybe in your package: You will see summer statistic 2012 to 2013. The unduplicated count is 801. This is according to our database system the number of individuals served. This number is wrong. The rides total is 13,102 rides(duplicated count). It may take six months to clean up the data system. RV: The My Senior Center System kiosk in the building is the start of tracking the information of seniors that use the facility and it is the only scanner in the Salem system. That is where the statistic numbers come from. We do not have hand held devices. They will be purchasing one for each bus in the future. DC: You could possible initially get everybody on board to being scanned by offering an incentive to win a grand prize a free trip. EH: That is what we are doing in Beverly. All of those who check in we are pulling a number and they will win a prize. PD: When people get on the bus is the bar code scanned on the return trip as well? RV: Yes, for a duplicated count. It is each one way count. RV: So these are a number of things we are working on and trying to develop. With the staff Im setting down some very strict rules about how we engage. They do not just come and go as they please you need to check in and out. If they are going out for a home visit we need to know where they are going. I meet with all staff on monthly basis and with program managers at least once a month. LCF: Implementing right away if there needs to be a sign out and in for home visits for just safety reasons if nothing else. EH: That is how Beverly does it. We sign out what time it is and where we are going. RV: And if a social worker is signing out on a home visit we want to know what happened with the home visit. RV: I had to say no to some of the seniors and the fear is they will complain to the Mayor. If we handle complaints correctly then there should be no reason to be concerned. We get the most complaints in transportation. They call a few minutes before and want a ride. The seniors sign a waiver and a transportation policy. These are two pieces we have been reviewing and will finalize. It covers the eligibility and disabled riders. People have to be able to move around on their own if they are going to be transported on the van. RV: Some of the places I need advise from COA: 1) we are curb to curb that means we only take them to the curb we dont walk them into the building. 2) Another part of the policy says a driver is not able to help a senior get on and off the van. That is for safety and liability reasons. 3) If someone is on the ground and screaming for help you do not touch the person. Our policy is you immediately dial 911 stay with dont touch the person. EH: Yes, that is Beverlys policy as well. No matter what even if the senior just wants to get up. The person needs to stay with them and tell them they can not get up until the ambulance comes. There is too much liability. RV: Thank you for validating that. LCF: Are the stairs to get on to the vans low enough for people that do not have the flexibility or long enough legs to get on and off without assistance? EH: They have lifts too. Just get on the lift. RV: I will look at that especially with the new vans. PD: It says in the document it is and 8 inch step. EH: Must be able to use an 8 inch step. RV: That could be hard for people. We are going to look at ergonomic issues for seniors. That is a good question. LCF: I have questions on ride specifics. Calls for return rides must be made by 2:45pm. And it says Market Basket shopping is only until 12:30pm. So you can not go shopping after 12:30? You can not be taken and brought back after 12:30? Is that correct? RV: There are specific days of the week we can go. LCF: I have to have a doctors appointment done by 2:45pm? RV: Yes, in order for us to bring you back. EH: After 2:45pm you need to call a cab. RV: Our drivers are part time drivers. We can not schedule a 7:00am appointment, that time could be hard for the seniors. And they can not be too late in the afternoon because our drivers can only work a set amount of hours. That is limiting us right now. My hope is in the future this program goes from 7:00 am to 8:00pm. That is the hope but maybe five years down the road because of funding is the major issue. This were we get the bulk of issues and complaints. AW: Can you dismiss seniors from the center? RV: Yes, we can dismiss them from the center. EH: In Beverly we send out a letter. We say what the policies are, how you are suppose to behave, and if that doesnt work then we have to send a letter that they can not come back. New/Old Business PD: You can always call a meeting if you need us. Before we adjourn I think we should thank Rosalia for what her staff did when there was the fire on Dow St. They all came in and assisted the families for a couple of days. RV: Thank you for saying that. Im not the one to take the credit. That was not mine. Sandy George was the person up at 2:00am picked everybody up and brought them here got them coffee, made sure they were warm, connected to the Red Cross. Sandy was the key that made that happen. She is phenomenal. PD: She goes beyond and above. She doesnt need to make goals. She makes it happen. When we open the new place maybe we could have a plague made in appreciation of Sandy George. RV: Yes, She makes it happen. LCF: It would be nice to have a staff list. I dont know who is on the staff. RV: Ok, I will provide that to you. Visitors Comments No visitors IX. Next board meeting: Next board meeting scheduled for Wednesday, June 18, 2014 at time 5:30pm. (Just for this meeting time change from 6:00 to 5:30.) No meetings in July and August. X. Vote to Adjournment: PD: Requests to make a motion to adjourn the meeting. EH: Makes a motion to adjourn the meeting. AW & JC: Seconds motion. VOTE: Unanimously approved. Regular meeting adjourns at 7:00 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by Sharon Kearney       PAGE  PAGE - 5 -   !(1HSYZ[`dijknovºxplelelaYUQlelehrDh5xhhH*h h@chs(hs(h hhX5h hhX5>*h h;Ry5>*\h;Ry5>*\hm55>*\h h 5>*\h5>*\h hk,5>*h@chhX5h@ch@5 hX 5 hhX5 hb5hbhhX5CJ$\aJ$hvUhhX5CJ$\aJ$h7+q5CJ$\aJ$!1Hjk   b c x 7 8 U 8^8gd8^8gdg88^8gds(8^8gdgds( `'@]^gd `'@@ ]^@ `gdhX$a$gd$a$gdhX |)gd7+q      " ) = G H N P Q X [ \ a b c f g n x ܖǖ{pi^h?SOhX CJaJ h?SOhX h?SOh~CJaJh~CJaJhX CJaJhZh~CJaJhRP}hs(5\ hs(5hy48 h@ch5xh5xhhH*h h5xh5x hs(\h&hs(\h hs(5h hs(5>*hN<hs(5 hN<hs( h@chs(hs($      6 7 8 ? @ J L M P T U b d k ̨̨̝zod\Qh<=Ah<=A5;\hqCJaJhuehqCJaJhueh CJaJh CJaJh^CJaJh^h huehqh hZh~CJaJh?SOhCJaJhRP}hs(5\hs(h~hs(CJaJhCJaJh?SOh5xCJaJh?SOhA]CJaJh?SOhX CJaJh?SOhOCJaJ        A ĿӺ|tjc\RhJ5;>*\ h4@h4@ hKqkh'^<hKqkhM|5\hKqkh'^<\ hKqkhI&hKqkhKqk\hR2hR2H*\ hR2\hKqkhI&\ hKqkhM|hu>h'^<h'^<\ hkJ\ h:v\ hI&\hI&hI&H*\ hh!\ hs4h\ h[ \ ht5 hM|5 hM|\ hM|5\h\hM|5;>*\    h^`hgd \Y8^8gdAL8^8gdJT & F`gd"$1 h^h`gd4@ h^h`gd'^< 8^8gdI& ^gdKqk,^,`gdh!0^`0gdh!  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